ISM International offers a diverse range of exclusive and innovative products at competitive prices. We pride ourselves on providing high quality products, the highest quality customer service, and we offer a quality guarantee on all items. Small or large, your request will be met with expert advice, individualized attention, and innovative solutions. Contact us and discover all we have to offer. Our staff is looking forward to speaking with you.



Stepper Motors

Manufactured by Juken Swiss Technology. We offer analogue clock modules, X10 series clock stepper motors, X27 series stepper motors, and X40 series dual stepper motors


Manufactured by A. Maier with the highest quality materials; we offer a wide variety of standard and specialty pointers. Our pointers are perfectly harmonized to produce a crisp lighting structure, a high gloss finish, and a sleek geometric design

Variety of Electro Mechanical Components

Manufactured by Excel Cell Electronics. Their product line that includes a wide range of Electro-mechanical Parts and Components. Catalogs, Data Sheets, and samples are available upon request. Technical information and specifications of each product can be found on requested data sheets.

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